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geologist at the top of a mountain during an exploration project for addison mining services

End-to-End Exploration Services

At Addison Mining Services, our experienced geologists provide comprehensive end-to-end exploration solutions including prospecting, programme design, supervision and field execution.

Exploration Services

  • Desk Studies, property review and evaluation.

  • Prospectivity analysis and target generation.

  • Field program planning, implementation and reporting.

  • Geological mapping.

  • Exploration data management.

  • Data validation.

  • Best practice Standard Operating Procedure development and implementation.

  • QAQC protocols and data review.

mineral sample grains in the palm of a geologists hand
drill rig on a beach during an exploration project with 4 drillers working
Trench dug for mineral exploration at the side of a mountain

Recent Projects

  • Mechanised auger drill programme supervision for heavy mineral sands in Cameroon.  Assignment undertaken on behalf of BWA Group Plc.

  • Exploration data analysis and interpretation, in house geological modelling, hypothetical pit optimisation and drill program design for the Eureka Cu-Au prospect, Zambia, for XTRACT Resources Plc.

  • Oriented drill core SOP implementation, structural data capture, handling and interpretation for the Bolkar Polymetallic Mine Turkiye, for Gumustas Madencilik A.Åž

  • Reconnaissance exploration programme review and remote supervision for the Nkoteng and Dehane Heavy Mineral Sands projects, Cameroon, for BWA Ltd.
    Desktop due diligence studies for the Kings of the North properties, Canada for BWA Ltd.

  • Updated JORC 2012 Competent Persons Report for The Abbeytown Properties, Ireland completed on behalf of Erris Resources Plc.

  • Underground channel sampling programme design and supervision for the Seksaoua Cu-Au Mine, Morocco.

  • In house data interpretation and exploration target solid modelling for the Eureka Cu-Au deposit, Zambia on behalf of XTRACT Resources Plc. 

  • JORC 2012 Competent Persons Report for the Abbeytown Project, Ireland and the Klippen, Käringberget and Brännberg Projects, Sweden.

  • Competent Persons JORC2012 Technical Report on the Montezuma Porphyry Copper Project, Chile, completed on behalf of BMR.

  • Historical data compilation and verification for the San Jose project, Spain, completed on behalf of Variscan Mines Ltd.

  • Historic Data collection and appraisal for the Piran Resources Ntunga and Musha Sn-Ta-W deposits, Rwanda.

  • SOP development, drill hole re-logging and re-sampling of historic core from the Toral Pb-Zn deposit, Spain.

  • Drill programme design, supervision and Standard Operating Procedure design for the Piran Resources Ntunga and Musha Sn-Ta-W deposits, Rwanda.

  • Exploration data interpretation, computer aided evaluation and drill programme design for the Pedry polymetallic (Zn-Pb-Cu-Au-Ag) vein deposit, California, United States of America. Study completed on behalf of Pedry Mining and Development Corporation.

  • CP project exploration data review and preliminary geostatistical analysis for the Tefenni chromite deposit, Turkiye.  Study completed on behalf of ACA Howe International Limited.

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