Mine Support Services
Resource optimisation and conversion of resources to reserves.
Scoping, Pre-Feasibility, Feasibility Studies
Mining Project Economic Evaluations
Production geology, blast hole and grade control.
Process performance tracking and analysis.
Recent Projects
Scoping Study, Updated Mineral Resource Estimates and JORC 2012 technical report preparation for the Toral Pb-Zn deposit, Spain. Study completed on behalf of EUZ.
Mineral Resource and Ore Reserve Statement for The Gorishne-Plavnynske-Lavrykivske Deposit and Yerystivske Deposit on behalf of FERREXPO, in association with Bara Consulting.
In house conceptual scoping study and technical report preparation for the Ntunga and Musha Sn-Ta-W deposits, Rwanda. Completed for Piran Resources.
Grade control block model resource update using best practice methodologies block model reconciliation for the Kinjor Deposit, New Liberty Gold Mine, Liberia. Study completed on behalf of Aureus Mining Limited.
Grade control process auditing and procedure development using best practice methods for the New Liberty Gold Mine, Liberia. Study completed on behalf of Aureus Mining Limited.
Open pit optimisation and ultimate nested pit parameter reporting for an undisclosed gold deposit, West Africa. Study completed on behalf of HSEC (Hugh Stuart Exploration Consulting Ltd).
Various in-house pit optimisation and review studies on for Tethyan Resources Limited.
In House preliminary mine design and planning for the Kpoyipma Granite Stone mine, Nigeria.